Rejection and Transience

Since both prospective parent Nina and potential longhair dating partner David have told me that things are not going to happen as I had hoped, I experienced fairly strong feelings of rejection.

On top of a flu with headaches and following a surgical procedure on my butt, I’d have to say this hasn’t been my favorite month.

I find myself wanting to cacoon at home a lot, eat healthy and not-so-healthy foods (ice cream, garlic bread made with real butter!), and watch lots of movies.

Last night, I was tossing and turning when I normally would have been sleeping. I woke up looking out through the dark fog out my window. I pleasured myself. I felt lonely and tried some little consolations like holding my own hand, petting my own hair, and visualizing cuddling with someone I love.

After awhile, I had a kind of revelation — that the rejection I was feeling had more to do with timing and circumstance than with any real deficiencies on my part. I had a sense of the transience of individual human connections and the emergence of overall patterns of caring at the social level. I felt comforted by the vision, pleasured myself once again, and finally got some more sleep!

Movie Roundup

It’s amazing what a minor surgery and the flu will do for catching up on those DVDs and videos! I’ve seen quite a few of them recently.

“Finding Forrester,” directed by Gus van Sant, was an excellent exploration of the relationship between a bright black teenager who is an aspiring writer and an older white novelist.

“Higher Education” is a scary film about the depths of racism on a college campus.

“The Quiet American” provides an interesting perspective on French colonialism in Vietnam and early steps toward the entry of the U.S. into the struggle.

“The Mystic Masseur” wasn’t all that great a portrayal of the life of an ordinary man who becomes a mystic and then a politician.

There were several others that I can’t remember right now. That flu haze is settling in again.

Wee Bit Busy

Wow! I managed not to write any blog entries for more than a month. I guess I’ve been just a wee bit busy.

Most recently, I’ve had a nasty cold or flu. Two days home from work with a sore throat, headache, achy muscles, and fatigue. Just well enough to get up for a work meeting this afternoon.

Typically strange San Francisco moment… I’m on a Muni bus commuting to work and the bus plays a recording, “thank you for riding Muni.” a homeless guy eating goldfish crackers says, “You’re welcome!”

Feeling Better

This morning I woke up feeling better!

I still have the remnants of a sore throat, but I was able to do some yoga and I feel even better after the yoga. It’s like a feedback loop.

I’ve sent and received more email from Paul. He’s not sure that he wants to visit San Francisco anymore… we’ll have to wait and see. During yoga, I realized that I am doing what I can to strengthen my connection with him and that I still feel strongly for him. I realized that I am an amazing person! I will make a great boyfriend for him if he chooses that path.

In the meantime, I need to keep up my connections with other people in my life as well. It was good to get a call from Jon about going to hear a queer band last night, even though I wasn’t up for it. I tried calling Rodney who I met at Breitenbush a second time… he seems really busy and unresponsive. He and his housemate James are planning a trip to San Francisco at the beginning of April. I may or may not be back from my trip to New York for the Computers, Freedom, & Privacy conference in time to see them. I haven’t heard from Lance in awhile… I was thinking that perhaps shaving my goatee had turned him off or that the chemistry may just not be there anymore. No word at all from Steve… I’ll let him take whatever initiative there will be. Guy and Jey will have their game night tonight, but I can’t go because I’ll be at the Symphony with David.

I’d like to see if I can set up a trip to Seattle to see my new-born baby nephews. It would be great to see Cob at the same time, unless he decides to make his way to San Francisco before then.


Despite all that great yoga I was doing, I managed to get a nasty post-Breitenbush cold. So I’ve spent the last couple of days working from home. It isn’t as bad as the colds usually are, but I’m not feeling up to riding my bike to work and doing my full yoga workout. I did manage to move the TV off the Soloflex machine so I’m occasionally doing exercises on it now.

I scheduled a minor medical procedure for June 10 and Jack was kind enough to say he’d pick me up afterwards.